On 06/22/2011 03:07 AM, YunQiang Su wrote:
>> Did you? Try 'dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' ;)
> yes it works. BUT:
> When installing, user will usually install grub in MBR or they have 
> no choice to set it when install (install from LiveCD).

If you install with a low debconf priority, or use preseeding, you can
set it on install.

IIRC, Ubuntu even asks if you want to write the bootloader at the
default debconf priorities when using the alternative CD.

On 06/22/2011 03:39 AM, YunQiang Su wrote:
> Yes, if only for Linux distro, it can be done like this. Then if 
> there are Windows and Mac OS X?

I'm not sure what you mean.

> But I believe that debconf is not a good idea for grub. We can just 
> install some files and if need, call grub-install by
> Debian-Installer or LiveCD-installer or users manually.
> It is both friendly to users and maintainers.

Debian should work for the common case by default. I shouldn't install
Debian on a commodity PC, then have it break on reboot because I forgot
to install the bootloader and the installer didn't tell me about that

People in special situations (dual booting, odd bootloader setup, etc)
can set debconf to prompt on things with a lower priority to ensure the
system is set up as desired.

Luke Faraone;; Debian & Ubuntu Developer; Sugar Labs, Systems
lfaraone on irc.[freenode,oftc].net -- http://luke.faraone.cc
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