Joachim Breitner writes ("Re: Merging three direcories in postinst"):
> Am Mittwoch, den 15.06.2011, 13:35 +0100 schrieb Ian Jackson:
> > > I guess I?ll give the postinst-symlink-approach a shot.
> > 
> > Do come back when you have more final-looking code and I'll see if I
> > can find bugs in it :-).
> I implemented it and did some tests. I did not test aborting it halfway,
> but I?m confident that it is ok ? the moving of files can be continued.
> Only an abortion between rmdir and ln would be bad.
> The postinst is here:

Are you sure this is the version you tested ?  Your tests don't seem
to have been very comprehensive ...

I see this:
   find $path -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 -r mv 
which doesn't look like it will do what you want!


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