Steve Langasek writes ("Re: Bug#621833: System users: removing them"):
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 09:31:47PM +0200, sean finney wrote:
> > I second your original proposal though, that packages must not delete
> > system users that they have created.  I don't think anyone had objections
> > to that, and the question is whether things should be taken further.
> I do object to telling maintainers they must not delete system users,
> without also giving guidance on how and when to lock the accounts.

Yes, I agree with this.

> Sorry, no time at the moment to propose verbiage to reconcile this with your
> concerns.

I think the right thing to do would be to have deluser lock (rather
than delete) system users when invoked in the way currently used by
maintainer scripts.  Provided that doesn't make interactive use of
deluser break somehow.


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