
For some inexplicable reason, I've been getting messages from you. 
Actually, I have received a HUGE bunch of messages both last Tuesday
(2 Dec) and today (9 Dec).  I don't consider myself very knowledgeable
about the technical aspect of e-mail or computer networking, which is
especially ironic, since it appears my name has been inserted as a BC
(blind carbon) on messages sent to the Debian Development mailing lists
& the ISS mailing lists.  I've also received unsolicited information about
software that will enable me to bulk e-mail 27 million U.S. households,
special offers on fresh citrus fruits from Florida, a consumer survey
from an exporter of sunglasses in China, & an invitation to visit some sort
of XXX adult web site -- well, I don't even want to get into that one! 
Obviously, this looks like the work of some prankster.

I've followed the proper procedures for getting "unsubscribed" from the
Debian & ISS lists, but apparently the list managers of those
organizations are unable to find me in their database.

I think I know how this might have started.  I'm in Chicago -- a
Northwestern University alum -- & I e-mailed to a qualified list of students
a message about my hobby.  (I'm a 20-year barbershop singer & wanted
to invite these individuals to one of our weekly chorus meetings.)  It's
possible that one of these students may have BC'ed me into some mailing
lists as some kind of joke -- I don't know.

In any event, if there's anything you want to know about barbershop
harmony, get in touch with me & I'll answer your questions.  If not, it's
been nice hearing from you, but I'd appreciate being removed from your
address book.  Thanks for your help.


--Joseph Schlesinger

TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to
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