Toni Mueller <> writes:

> while working on a package I'm going to sponsor, it occurred to me
> with all the DD, DM and sponsoring going on, that I'd like to have a
> field in debian/control, like eg.
> Bugs-To:, ...

In the source package stanza, or the binary package stanza?

> to have automatically subscribed to the bugs for
> this package, much in the same vein as the 'Uploaders:' field works.

This appears to duplicate functionality of the Package Tracking System
Why is the PTS insufficient for this purpose?

(I'm not weighing in either way, I just think that adding duplicate
behaviour needs justification one way or another.)

 \     “To save the world requires faith and courage: faith in reason, |
  `\            and courage to proclaim what reason shows to be true.” |
_o__)                                                —Bertrand Russell |
Ben Finney

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