
the first version of the new LILO is released as version 23.0.
The most patches (especially from Debian/OpenSuse/Fedora packages)
are included, which fixes some problems.

The links can be found in the mail below.

Have a nice day,
Joachim (Germany)

Joachim Wiedorn <ad_deb...@joonet.de> wrote on 2010-06-19 11:51:

> Hello,
> After the long silence about the popular bootloader LILO the development
> was started again.
> The new Homepage can be found here:
> http://lilo.alioth.debian.org/
> For the development of the bootloader I have started an Alioth project
> with Git repository and Mailinglist:
> http://alioth.debian.org/projects/lilo/
> The next version is in work: LILO 23.0 
> Have a nice day,
> Joachim (Germany)

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