On 03/14/2010 01:58 PM, tabris wrote:
> This bug has been open a week w/o any updates, and squeeze release is
> looming.
> Any thoughts?
I just tested patching scanner.l and it does fix my issue

I'm using the following
note the last line, 'string' which allows something like eLAN or eLAN0
or still eth0.

digit           [0-9]
number          ({digit})+
snum            -?({digit})+
decimal         ({number}"."{number})
hexdigit        ([a-f]|[A-F]|[0-9])
addr1           {hexdigit}{1,4}":"({hexdigit}{1,4}":")*(":"{hexdigit}{1,4})+
addr2           {hexdigit}{1,4}(":"{hexdigit}{1,4})*"::"
addr3           ({hexdigit}{1,4}":"){7}{hexdigit}{1,4}
addr            ({addr1}|{addr2}|{addr3}|"::")
whitespace      ([ \t])+
string          [a-z]([a-zA-Z:._-]|{digit})*([:.]{digit}+)?

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