
I'm looking for adopters or assistance with the following packages. As with 
anyone there's a limit on the time I can(will) spend on Debian and I feel that 
in making choices there, these packages are currently starving for attention.

* phpbb3. This needs some work to get the latest upstream into Debian. The 
vast flow of security issues seems to have dried up since the 3.x series 
fortunately. Still, I don't think we should be releasing phpbb3 lagging behind 
as it is now, since significant amounts of fixes have been released upstream. 
I don't have enough time for this package anymore, but co-maintainer Jeroen is 
still interested to remain on the team; contact him to coordinate.

* serendipity. I don't really use this package anymore. It's currently removed 
from testing, because it needs to have a security bug fixed before it can be 
part of the next release. It's currently orphaned any will not be part of 
squeeze unless someone adopts it.

* mailman. I'm still interested in maintainership of this package, but the 
current team is not very intense. The current package is of release quality, 
but more work can definately be done on it, if only to review the 80+ open bug 
reports on it. If you want to join the team, send a message to the Mailman for 
Debian mailinglist and we'll set you up with the necessary permissions.

For all cases goes that I can help to get you started, or provide sponsoring.


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