On Mon, 02 Nov 2009 07:15:35 +0100, Penny Leach wrote:

> Well, that's logically equivalent to installing multiple versions of the
> same package.  At the moment,  there's one moodle installation, which has
> code that lives in /usr/share/moodle, and connects to one database.   This
> is determined by its one config file.  You can do tricks in the config file
> to fool Moodle into connecting to different databases, based on some rule
> (like virtualhost), but I don't see the use case here, 

Having several separate moodle instances on one machine seems like a
normal use case to me.

> and I don't think
> any other web applications support being installed multiple times, do they?

wordpress for example allows "multiple blog" setups.

mediawiki can at least be tricked into it, and I remember a host with
one mediawiki instance using postgres and two or three others mysql.

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