retitle 526521 add /etc/sysctl.d/iptables.conntrack.accounting.conf
severity 526521 wishlist
>>>>> "LB" == Lars Bahner <> writes:

LB> You don't really need to file a bug. You need to add a file

LB>  /etc/sysctl.d/iptables.conntrack.accounting.conf

LB> which should contain the line:

LB> net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_acct=1

LB> You could file this a a wishlist bug report against the iptables
LB> package, and see if the  maintainer wish to add this file (or a larger
LB> /etc/sysctl.d/iptables.conf with some sane defaults).

OK, though this is all over my head.
Hoping maybe soon the warning will go away.

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