Colin Watson wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 05, 2009 at 10:55:42PM +0200, Frans Pop wrote:
>> I would not recommend having os-prober installed for this.
> We should make it more efficient and less intrusive, but that's
> perfectly feasible in os-prober itself and would be a good idea anyway.

My main point was that in its current form it's not suitable for the 
purpose for which was being suggested.

Of course, if os-prober is significantly improved and would (besides the 
improvements you suggested) e.g. support a configuration file that allows 
to specify either a whitelist or blacklist of devices to scan, that would 
change the situation.

>> Relying on os-prober to migrate from grub1 to grub2 is bad anyway as it
>> will in no way preserve any existing manually added/changed boot menu
>> entries. Migrating existing "other os" entries really needs to be
>> solved in a different way.
> I don't see this as solving the migration issue, but as a perfectly good
> configuration mechanism in its own right.

I'm not so sure. For some users maybe. But for most what OSes they have 
installed is fairly static.

They may e.g. prefer to chainload another bootloader on a different 
disk/partition for other Linux OSes rather than have these included in 
the primary bootloader (for example to test the correct installation of 
that bootloader...).

> Migration is a separate and harder problem; it's really a language
> translation problem in some ways, with the added wrinkle that really, we
> only want to migrate custom entries.

Why is that so hard? In menu.lst that's simply everything after the line:

> Anything that's basically a modified version of one of the
> system-provided entries would be *much* better catered for by making the
> appropriate adjustments to /etc/default/grub and letting the new
> grub-mkconfig configuration system take care of it.

Definitely. No argument there.

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