Hello, I've recently had a serendipitous excuse[1] to look at my package list and tidy up things a bit, orphaning a thing or two and publishing my plans for another half-forgotten package.
I realised that while this tidying up is important and rather easy to do, I often lack the trigger to do that instead of something else. Or if I want to tidy up, I may forget to look into a place or two. I just had a quick conversation on #debian-qa where these ideas have been flying around: - create a checklist of things that one could do every once in a while to tidy up is/her package list. A crude starter is here: http://wiki.debian.org/TidyUpChecklist and it can be something that fits in a little section in the Developer's Reference; - decide a "tidy up your package list" day, say, twice a year, where such a checklist is announced with a post to planet or a mail to debian-devel-announce; - instead of a "tidy up your package day", the DPL can invite people to focus on one or two items, depending on the current state of affairs; - instead of a "tidy up your package day", DPN could suggest one item from the checklist on every issue, and point to the full checklist to find more. Opinions? Entries for http://wiki.debian.org/TidyUpChecklist ? Ciao, Enrico [1] Namely, telling a NM applicant that he should attend to a few things that have been bitrotting, and then looking at my own DDPO page, erhm. -- GPG key: 4096R/E7AD5568 2009-05-08 Enrico Zini <enr...@enricozini.org>
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