On Sat, 30 May 2009, Luis Felipe Tabera wrote:
> On Sábado, 30 de Mayo de 2009 18:38:40 Marco d'Itri escribió:
> > On May 31, Pino Toscano <p...@kde.org> wrote:
> > > This means the author of the PDF set that users shouldn't (in their will)
> > > copy the text from their PDF.
> > > You can disable the usage of document permissions by disabling the
> > > related option from the preferences.
> >
> > It's not clear to me why this should not be the default, but anyway I
> > think that the interface could be improved by mentioning this in the
> > error dialog.
> Well, the default should always be to follow the specification of
> PDF, even if there are parts of it that we do not like.

The default should be to behave in a sensible manner (meaning, do what
the user actually wants done), even if it violates the specification.
It's perfectly reasonable to have an option to follow the
specification, but it certainly shouldn't be the default when we're
talking about an antifeature[1].

Don Armstrong

1: http://www.fsf.org/bulletin/2007/fall/antifeatures/
"What, now?"
"Soon equates to good, later to worse, Uagen Zlepe, scholar.
Therefore, immediacy."
  -- Iain M. Banks _Look to Windward_ p 213

http://www.donarmstrong.com              http://rzlab.ucr.edu

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