This discussion has happened before, many times. Some folks spent some
time on a wiki page describing the different MTAs, would be worth
reviewing for some background and comparison:

Some people clearly want postfix as the default MTA in Debian (I do),
and some people dont want the default to change from Exim. There are
some people who want something else, but so far that something else has
not be technically satisfactory. 

I think our problem is, how do we go about making this decision? 


09:35 < Zugschlus> the exim maintainers  absolutely demand that postfix be 
default MTA for lenny
09:35 < Zugschlus> have the postfixites feel the pain they deserve
09:36 < Zugschlus> let the LOUD people have the work they want          
09:44 < Zugschlus> realist: I fully admit that postfix is vastly superior over 
09:45 < Zugschlus> end of discussion                                            

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