Steffen Joeris wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Apr 2009 05:10:12 pm Romain Beauxis wrote:
>> Le Tuesday 07 April 2009 22:59:00 Sebastien Delafond, vous avez écrit :
>>> On Apr/07, Mike Hommey wrote:
>>>> While I see why it can be needed for python, I fail to see how it is
>>>> important for jruby...
>>> to have 2 versions of jruby available ? I guess so you can at least, for
>>> instance, try the new one on your existing jruby code without removing
>>> the old one, for instance ?
>> If we were to apply this policy to all software packaged in debian, that
>> would be a mess.
> It would be a security mess as well, I don't particularly want to fix the 
> same 
> issue in 2-4 packages ...
>>> Are you advocating for only one instance of jruby at all times in the
>>> archive ? If so, why ?
>> I think this is the other way round: by default there should be only one
>> version per package -- after all that is why we have package name and
>> package version..
>> Hence, it should be explained why multiple version of the same package are
>> relevant for Debian and its users. And I don't think that "testing several
>> versions" is a good explanation..
> If a dozen (or more) packages really need the older version, then it could be 
> discussed I guess (some details here would be nice). But I agree that having 
> it around for "testing" reasons is not a valid reason.

Sorry for hijacking the thread, but what are the plans for bdb in squeeze, I'm
counting 5 atm:

Are there plans to reduce this?

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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