On Fri, Apr 03, 2009 at 11:40:57PM +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:
> Subject: Why do we have to support tmpfs for /var/run (policy changes in
>       3.8.1)
> Hi,
> one of the changes in 3.8.1 was, that support for tmpfs on /var/run (and
> /var/tmp) became mandatory [9.3.2]. Lintian is now also complaining very 
> loudly
> (error) if your package ships a directory in /var/run or /var/tmp and suggests
> to create them in the init script.
> While I can see the benefits of having /var/tmp on a tmpfs to a certain 
> degree,
> I don't really see them for /var/run, instead they make things more 
> complicated,
> slower and error prone (for imho no real gain)

Interesting - The unix way IMHO was that /tmp looses content on reboot
while /var/tmp did not. This had been the case for commercial Unices
for at least some decades.

Florian Lohoff                  f...@rfc822.org             +49-171-2280134
        Those who would give up a little freedom to get a little 
          security shall soon have neither - Benjamin Franklin

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