On Tue Mar 03 00:58, Bill Unruh wrote:
> I understand this as well. That is a however a different issue than the legal
> one. It at least opens the possibility, both for Debian and for the many other
> Linux distributions. And relieving the Debian maintainers
> from having to try to keep up to date with new and old hardware, which 
> Schilling has
> proven himself to be willing to do, is an attraction which may help make up 
> for
> other detractions.  It  has been said that Debian is used to working with 
> ornery writers.

OK, I've been convinced by this thread that it might be useful to have
cdrecord in Debian. So, here is a suggestion of compromise. I am willing
to sponsor a package of cdrecord into Debian, _providing_ the following
conditions are met:

   - someone who uses it (such as yourself or Michelle) volunteers to be
     the maintainer and work with Jorg
   - the packaging meets my (fairly high) standards
   - Jorg licenses his software in a fashion which is acceptable to
     Debian (which will certainly require resolving the GPL/CDDL
     conflict in mkisofs. I'm not the person who can give an
     authoritative answer on this though, it will require ftp-master
     being happy with the licence).
   - the package, maintainer and Jorg work alongside wodim. This means:
      - it conflicts: with wodim if required
      - Jorg ceases complaining about wodim and its maintainers in any
        way, stops telling wodim users they should be using cdrecord,
        stops posting to debian or other mailing lists or BTSs claiming
        that it's buggy, violates copyright law or similar and stops
        threatening anyone with the possibility of legal action who is
        involved with it. Basically 'play nice'.
      - Don't complain if frontends are migrated to wodim instead of
        cdrecord (of course, if wodim continues to ship a compatibility
        symlink, they could use whichever is installed).
   - Jorg doesn't complain about our packaging practices. Yes we will
     patch your software if it needs it. Please do not complain about
     things filed in _our_ BTS telling people to use the upstream
     version (for example).
   - We are not going to do anything about the previous situation to
     salve Jorg's pride, we won't expel Eduard or recant anything that
     was said before. I still think Jorg was wrong, but I do think it's
     potentially useful to have cdrecord in Debian.
   - (this list is not exhaustive)

I don't have the time to package it myself (and I'm happy with wodim, so
don't need to use it), however, I'm prepared to sponsor a package if
Jorg plays nice (and I will, of course, try to do the same in return),
but if not I'll just have it removed again.


Matthew Johnson

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