Hi there!

Cc:ing the Debian Common Lisp mailing list.

On Fri, 27 Feb 2009 02:02:03 +0100, Aaron M. Ucko wrote:
> Joerg Jaspert <jo...@debian.org> writes:
>> Its lisp. Not one special part of it, just lisp. So other dialects as
>> well, if someone gets me a list of packages (or matches) for it.
>     cl-*

FYI, as Aaron already showed with his list, ome packages (especially the
"non-library" ones) do not have the cl-* suffix.  StumpWM is missing,
for example.

>     *-el

There are some packages which have something after the -el suffix:

  iiimf-client-el-bin - Utility of IIIMF frontend for Emacs
  speechd-el-doc-cs - speechd-el documentation in Czech
  w3-el-e21 - Web browser for GNU Emacs 21
  w3m-el-snapshot - simple Emacs interface of w3m (development version)

However, we cannot add the *-el-* filter because this will also match
false positives, at least:

  libcommons-el-java - Implementation of the JSP2.0 Expression Language 
  myspell-el-gr - Greek (el_GR) dictionary for myspell

And there is at least one package which is still missing:

  w3-url-e21 - URL library for use by w3-el-e21

> BTW, while compiling that list, I also ran across a couple more
> httpds: araneida and hunchentoot.

With my Common Lisp maintainer hat on, I am not sure I would like
araneida and hunchentoot to be placed in the httpd section.  As Joerg
already said in the thread, I think we need to define if the language
the program is written in is more important than the function of the
program itself.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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