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Le vendredi 27 février 2009 11:03:55 Joerg Schilling, vous avez écrit :
> John Goerzen <jgoer...@complete.org> wrote:
> > > The code that was taken by Debian for the fork WAS free but now it is
> > > no longer because Debian did apply changes that are forbidden by law.
> >
> > When will you enumerate these?
> >
> > Until you do, I can't see your arguments being taken seriously by anyone.
> As long as Debian hides related Bug reports and as long as Debian continues
> to publish slander against me and my software, I cannot see any will to
> change the current situation that is 100% a result of activities from some
> people that called themself "Debian maintainers".

Is it because is 100% a result of activities from some people that
called themself debian maintainers that you came to me?

> Explaining the situation in more details, than I did in the open during the
> past years already, takes time. Please understand that I am not going to
> waste my time with trolls. 

Does it bother you that you are not going to waste your time with

> Debian as whole did lose any credibility because
> of the cdrtools attacks that have been initated by Eduard Bloch and that
> have been supported by other Debian people. 

Are you sure that is the real reason?

> If you are seriously interested
> to change this situation, give me a strong sign that there is a will at
> Debian to get rid of the situation that has been created by Eduard Bloch by
> attacking me and my projects in 2004 .....

When did you first know that there is a will at debian to get rid of
the situation that has been created by eduard bloch by attacking you
and your projects in 2004?

> As I mentioned already: the license change in cdrtools was a _reaction_ on
> the attacks run by Eduard Bloch and others. 

Why do you say that?

> The attacks from this person
> started in May 2004 as personal attacks and increased over time.

Earlier you said is 100% a result of activities from some people that
called themself debian maintainers?

> I
> understand that in bigger associations there is a higher probability to
> also have bad people but any assicoation needs to find ways to deal with
> problems that result from bad people's actions.

Is the fact that in bigger associations there is a higher probability
to also have bad people but any assicoation needs to find ways to deal
with problems that result from bad people's actions the real reason?
> Are aou interested to change this situation?

Maybe the cdrtools attacks that have been initated by eduard bloch and
that have been supported by other debian people have something to do
with this.

> Jörg
Can you elaborate on that?

> --
>  EMail:jo...@schily.isdn.cs.tu-berlin.de (home) Jörg Schilling D-13353
> Berlin j...@cs.tu-berlin.de                (uni)
>        joerg.schill...@fokus.fraunhofer.de (work) Blog:
> http://schily.blogspot.com/ URL:  http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/
> ftp://ftp.berlios.de/pub/schily

Jean Parpaillon - Kerlabs
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