On Wed, 14 Jan 2009 13:49:22 -0500
"Jamin W. Collins" <jcoll...@asgardsrealm.net> wrote:
> Marvin Renich wrote:
> > * Harald Braumann <ha...@unheit.net> [090113 05:47]:
> >>
> >> AFAIK, there's no way for multiple independent packages for using
> >> the same user. So jabber-muc needs to create its own user. On
> >> update, that's no problem. The post-install script can chown the
> >> package's directories for the new user. But a downgrade would then
> >> not be possible. The old version couldn't access the directories.
> >>
> >> Is there precedence for such a situation? How can it be resolved?
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >> harry
> > 
> > BTW, are you coordinating this with the current jabber-muc
> > maintainer (CC'ed in case he is not subscribed)?
Sorry, I should have coordinated this with Jamin from the beginning,
but I needed the package quickly, so I built it my own.

> I'm not subscribed, haven't been following the lists for a while.  The
> old package should probably be removed completely in favor of the new.

I'll file a bug report with a pointer to my sources. There have been
very recent changes in upstream's source repository
(http://svn.gna.org/viewcvs/mu-conference/trunk/), so it seems it's not
dead, after all. 

Jamin: are you still willing to maintain that package? I can help with
packaging, but I'm not a DD myself. 


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