Russ Allbery <> writes:
> Petter Reinholdtsen <> writes:

>>  cfengine2

> I think that's rather hard to justify as priority: standard.  There are a
> lot of other configuration management systems in the world (and IMO much
> better ones).

Ah, sorry, I see this isn't in your recommended list.  This is probably
used internally by Debian-Edu; sorry about the noise.

Going through the recommended list in more detail, I agree with all of the

> dmidecode
> pciutils
> psmisc (as mentioned)
> tcpdump (as mentioned)

and as mentioned would add apt-listchanges, rsync, and sudo to that list.
The following are already priority: standard or higher:

> less
> traceroute
> wget

I don't think that we need to install, in standard, all of these hardware
detection programs; it really seems like overkill to me:

> lsscsi
> memtest86
> procinfo

Surely these are things people can install if and when they need them?

I'm honestly mystified as to why any of the following should be in
standard, given how obscure what they do seems to be:

> consolekit
> gdebi
> libpam-ck-connector
> nullidentd (and, for that matter, pidentd)

I've not seen an ident server in years.  I don't use IRC, though, which
seems to be the last bastion of people who think ident is useful.

I think installing tcpdump is sufficient; adding ethtool on top of it
seems like overkill to me.

As mentioned before, I think ping and fping have enough overlap that
having both of them seems pointless.  Similarly, I think we should pick
*one* traceroute program; if the existing traceroute package isn't
sufficient, we should *replace* it in standard with mtr-tiny or with
tcptraceroute, but not add a new package.

I agree with the decision to remove finger, and I'm not sure why you'd
strongly recommend it.

I think the following are borderline:

> hdparm
> iftop
> iotop
> ncftp
> nmap
> strace

They're useful tools, many of which I use, but I'm not sure they're so
useful to warrant installing them on every system by default.  You can
generally install them when you need them, and ncftp is kind of weird and
heavy-weight to be the default ftp client (as useful as it is once you're
used to it).

Russ Allbery (               <>

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