2008/12/27 Всеволод Величко <torkvem...@nigma.ru>: > Excuse me, you are against sexism, but what you mention is the same - > from the opposite side. That's the same "women's" sexism. If we should > respect women's rights, may be women should do the same? Otherwise it > looks very childish, sorry.
Something a lot of people don't understand about feminism is that it isn't symmetrical, because the situation of women and men has never been symmetrical (and biologically, never fully will). The aim of feminism is to give (at least) *political* symmetry to women with regards to men. Historically, in most parts of the world, women have been property. The notion that women are actually independent agents and not cattle is very new in western civilisation, and arguably still not firmly established in many other parts of the world (and some may argue that it's not even firmly established in certains parts of western civilisation either). Women have been politically invisible for many centuries. Whatever other oppression men may have felt, it pales in comparison to the oppression women have felt, which has always been at least as bad as what men suffer but is further compounded by many other factors. As for Amaya's website, sure, it looks like she favours pins of a radical feminist variety, of the "I'm not going to shut up and take it" kind of feminism, but I don't see her advocating violence towards men, that men should be raped, that men should lose the right to vote, that men should not own property, that men should be sexually harrassed at all times in the streets, that men are naturally unable to perform any intellectual or physical task, shouldn't be educated, nor participate in the public sphere. These are all things that historically happened to women everywhere all the time, and still happen in many places, in many ways. You may not feel as a man that you are perpetrating any of these things (and are you sure you are not?), but bear in mind that these are the kinds of issues that feminism is trying to fight against. If she were to advocate any of those things, then I say that (her brand of) feminism would be more symmetrical to patriarchy. She does, however, say some things that may make some people uncomfortable. I believe she's doing this because she's taking the bottom right path in my handy online politeness decision flowchart: http://platinum.linux.pl/~jordi/piccies/posting.png Furthermore, I agree that it's her own personal website, and largely irrelevant to the Debian project. > I also hope, that this idiotic discussion will be closed soon. Which idiotic discussion? I think we have a bigger problem in that we *have* lost at least one member of d-women, over other problems Debian has had. I am preparing a response to this that I will soon share with the other members of the Debian community. This isn't the first time something of this sort happens within the project. I'm remembering a post about something that happened in #debian-offtopic in Freenode not so long ago: http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-wo...@lists.debian.org/msg03320.html I think we do need a code of conduct, sanctioned by the leadership of the community, else risk further loss of cohesion within the community. - Jordi G. H.