Le vendredi 19 décembre 2008 à 13:30 +0100, Olivier Berger a écrit :
> For instance see our Secretaire d'Etat's declaration at :
> http://gayswithoutborders.wordpress.com/2008/09/04/france-rama-yade-will-appeal-at-the-united-nations-for-the-universal-decriminalisation-of-homosexuality/
> OK, OK, maybe some kind of french arrogance here again ;)

Especially when the very day of the 60th anniversary, our beloved
foreign minister said:
        “There is a permanent contradiction between human rights and a
        State’s foreign policy, even in France.”

Our country is very far from exempt of human rights violations. Those
trying to frame the current discussion in terms of cultures or countries
are forgetting that every culture and country has its share of
intolerant people. I don’t think all Aussies are homophobic bigots; it’s
just that we have one in the project.

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