Le mercredi 19 novembre 2008 à 00:43 +0900, Hideki Yamane a écrit : > - libpango1.0-common
Fixed in our SVN. > If you have a question, please ask me. Thanks. Yes, I think there is a typo in ttf-hanazono: it provides ttf-japanse-mincho instead of ttf-japanese-mincho. BTW, the approach you have taken (depend on a virtual package only) will make APT select a random font from those providing the virtual package instead of having a sane default. You should either make ttf-japanese-* packages that depend on the appropriate set of alternatives, or ask people to depend on ttf-sazanami-* | ttf-japanese-* instead. Cheers, -- .''`. : :' : We are debian.org. Lower your prices, surrender your code. `. `' We will add your hardware and software distinctiveness to `- our own. Resistance is futile.
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