On Montag, 10. November 2008, Jon Dowland wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 03:05:32PM +0100, Christoph Haas wrote:
> > Have fun and let me know what you think.
> Thank you for this; it looks very nice!
> Some quick comments:
>  * don't list packages with only pending screenshots in the list of
>    screenshots.  There's a few packages at the moment listed as " 0
>    (1 waiting for approval)" which just clutter the list, since there's
>    nothing to see yet :)

Good idea. Put on the todo list.

>  * There are 14 pages and the navigation is truncated to 'Page: 1 2 3 ..
>    14 >'. Could you (optionally) display links to all pages? Or alter
>    the number of results per page (increase, or make user configurable)?

I'll change the pager radius to 10. Will be fixed in the next deployment.

>  * an optional list of packages with screenshots which displayed the
>    thumbnail would be nice.

You mean a list where each package shows the screenshots right in the list? 
That's a nice idea. Minimizes clicking and loading. Put on the todo list.

>  * It would be nice if the homepage column pointed at something more
>    Debian specific, e.g. the packages page. I was going to suggest the
>    PTS page, but of course that's developer-oriented and this is
>    user-oriented. packages.debian.org/foo shows more useful info for
>    existing Debian users, and includes the homepage from the control
>    field where available.

The version I'll deploy tomorrow contains a link to 
packages.d.o/PACKAGENAME. I loved the idea to point directly to the 
homepage though because that's likely where users search for more 
information before installing software.

>  * what does the search field operate on? A search for 'games' shows up
>    gridlock.app which contains 'games' in the short description, and is
>    in category games. I'm not sure which it matched on. If only the
>    short text, it would be nice to search on other criteria.

Currently it's a case-insensitive search over the package name and short 
description. I'm open to suggestions.

Thanks for your constructive feedback. I'm looking forward to the next 
version (which will even be faster because I'm moving to another VPS).

A guess is just a guess until you turn it into a pie chart.
Then it's an analysis. (Scott Adams)

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