"Dmitry E. Oboukhov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On 18:42 Wed 13 Aug     , Brian May wrote:
>> Dmitry E. Oboukhov wrote:
>>> qemu makes mount the directory /tmp/mount.$$. Attacker creates many
>>> symlinks /tmp/dir.\d+ -> /etc and if qemu
>>> (/usr/sbin/qemu-make-debian-root) starts then /etc goes
>>> out from root directory tree. The result: system is unusable.
>> I might be dense, but I don't get this.
>> Attacker does:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp# ln -s /etc /tmp/mount-1234
>> Then the genuine user does:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp# mkdir /tmp/mount-1234
>> mkdir: cannot create directory `/tmp/mount-1234': File exists
>> strace shows:
>> mkdir("/tmp/pmount-1234", 0777)         = -1 EEXIST (File exists)
>> So, ok, this means the process can't continue any more (denial of
>> service attack), and if the process does continue this is a problem,
>> otherwise I can't see how this would bring the entire system down.
>> Brian May
> yes, set -e directive is present in this script :)

Don't know if this is considered an attack, but root may be tricked into
unmounting a file system pointed to by the symlink since the script also

     echo Cleaning up... >&2
     umount -d /tmp/mount.$$ || true
     rm -f $IMAGE.ext2 $IMAGE
 trap cleanup EXIT

This will of course not do anything if the file system is busy which
limits its useability as a DoS attack.  Anyway, it wouldn't harm if the
script used mktemp.

You know, Lassie was Moonie

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