[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lennart Sorensen) writes:

> On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 12:22:36PM +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
>> Benefits may greatly varry.
>> For this slowest 2+GHz 8 core server of the world make that 5 minutes
>> 48 seconds to 5 minutes 30 seconds here or 5% speed increase. And yes,
>> this slowest 2+GHz 8 core server of the world does take that long to
>> boot, mainly bios ram test and scsi probing. Never seen a server count
>> its ram so slow.
>> And you get that once or twice a year. Not sure if the risk of
>> breaking things is worth that optimization.
> Parallel startup actually made a system I work with take longer to start
> up so I certainly turned that off again.

Single core? Slow disks? Unless you have idle times the multiple
threads won't help. Works best with things like portmapper that does
sleep 1.

> Ignoring the time spent by the bios (can't change that after all), it
> went from 29 to 33 seconds with parallel startup scripts.

Who says you can't change it? There is OpenBios. :)


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