
But locales-all package doesn't install the pre-compiled locales into right

It contains /usr/lib/locales-all/supported.tar.lzma file which includes all
the locales but you have to manually extract it.

So, problem still continue, any suggestion?

On Sat, Apr 26, 2008 at 2:40 PM, Bernhard R. Link <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> * Murat Demirten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080426 13:24]:
> > I've a problem with manpages-tr package build process. It is binary
> > independent package, basically contains man pages.
> >
> > But package author uses a different aproach to build man pages from xml
> > sources. There is an xml2man.c which used on build process
> > to obtain man pages. And this utility can not be run properly if
> tr_TR.UTF-8
> > locale does not exist at build system. This breaks our automatic
> > rebuild systems, so how can we address this problem? Any ideas..
> Build-depending on locales-all, maybe?
> Hochachtungsvoll,
>        Bernhard R. Link
> --
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Murat Demirten
Genel Müdür
Yenihayat Bilişim Teknolojileri A.Ş.
(212) 210 77 36

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