Hello. I'm requesting contributions from Debian developpers wishing to present / discuss the topic of the development infrastructure used in the Debian project (as well as the software forges), at the forecoming Libre Software Meeting (LSM/RMLL), held in Mont-de-Marsan (France) early July 2008 (1-5/07/2008).
I'm coordinating a session on 'communautary development', so I'd welcome any contributions presenting systems like the BTS, the QA tools, Alioth (launchpad ? ;) and other topics like packaging, tests and all the various poorly known engines that help make a distribution. Such topics may or may not be linked to Debian, as you see fit. I haven't had time to draft a formal call for contributions unfortunately. Sorry about that. * The event : LSM (Libre Software Meeting) is known by many DD as having hosted the first (?) DebConf (http://debconf0.debconf.org/) in Bordeaux (France), if I remember well those old days. In case you wouldn't know this volunteer-organised event, here are the official details (copied from http://2008.rmll.info/?lang=en ) : The LSM (Libre Software Meeting) are an opportunity for all sort of public to come together around the free software. Over 5 days, conferences and workshops welcome everyone. This event is organized each year and for the 9th edition is hosted in the town of Mont de Marsan, from 1 to 5 July 2008. <shameless propaganda> One of the nice sideeffects of the LSM in Mont-de-Marsan this year is the nice food and drink of the south-west region of France of course ;) </propaganda> * About me : I'm no DD, but a new co-maintainer of the Debian phpGroupware packages, for the curious ones. I'm also very much interested in the topics of the software forges, libre software, QA, and many other topics including Debian of course. I'm a long time libre software activist and Debian fan of course. Google is my friend but http://www-public.it-sudparis.eu/~berger_o/weblog/ gives some details. Thanks in advance for your contribution. Best regards, P.S.: don't be afraid by my auto-responder, I'm visiting Firenze next week but will read your mail ASAP. -- Olivier BERGER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (*NEW ADDRESS*) http://www-inf.it-sudparis.eu/~olberger/ - OpenPGP-Id: 1024D/6B829EEC Ingénieur Recherche - Dept INF Institut TELECOM / TELECOM & Management SudParis (http://www.it-sudparis.eu/), Evry