On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 9:24 PM, Roberto C. Sánchez

>  > Good idea.  I just added screenshots.debian.org idea that came up on
>  > some discussion at Chemnitzer LinuxTage in March.  It would be nice if
>  > somebody would grab this up - at least the idea will not just vanish
>  > now it is stored somewhere ...
>  This is something that I propsed on January 3, 2007, on debian-devel.
>  There was a fairly lengthy thread that resulted and Thomas Viehmann even
>  offered to help.  Of course, he and I both became very busy and so it
>  sort of fell by the wayside.  However, I have my projects much better in
>  hand this year and I intend to resurrect the idea early this summer.

The games team had a short discussion about screenshots, goplay and
packages.d.o recently too:




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