
(Please don't cc: me, I'm subscribed.)

On Wednesday 02 April 2008 01:20, Michael Biebl wrote:
> Holger Levsen schrieb:
> > Did you file those bugs? Is there a usertag for them?
> I tried to collect the information at http://wiki.debian.org/Rsyslog and
> started filing the important bugs [1]. 

Only one bug is open in the usertag list, but most from the wiki are not filed 

> The real showstopper bug, which 
> made rsyslog uninstallable, in the psad package, has been fixed already.
> For the remaining ones (changing sysklogd | system-log-daemon -> rsyslog
> | system-log-daemon), I wanted to wait until rsyslog is actually
> accepted as default syslog daemon

Makes sense, but also makes this goal a bit look like its stalled.

> > I'm still willing to help... :) (But as its obvious now, I have lost the
> > status on this..)
> If the wiki page is missing information, please let me know.

Looks good to me, thanks.

> >>> - Document the change by preparing a patch for the release notes
> >>> - Get the priorities fixed by a ftpmaster (assistant)
> >> Should, I file a lenny release goal first and wait for it's approval, or
> >> can I take this thread as consensus that I can pursue changing the
> >> default system-log-daemon to rsyslog?
> > Or was it already too late for this?
> Dunno. We should bring this topic up on debian-release I think to get
> more input there. If you want to kick of the discussion, please go ahead.

So, hi, debian-release, what is your opinion on this? Do you think we still 
have the time to do this change for Lenny or is it too late already?


> [1]
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?tag=goal-rsyslog;[EMAIL 

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