On Sat, Mar 01, 2008 at 05:20:28PM +0100, Romain Beauxis wrote:
> Le Saturday 01 March 2008 16:43:56 Ron Johnson, vous avez écrit :
> > > I wish we had some more of this sort of thinking in our own project and a
> > > little less of yours. Maybe then we'd have fewer bugs in the packages
> > > people actually care about and use.
> >
> > I say we drop every WM & DE except GNOME, because that will simplify
> > the distro, and lead to *much* fewer bugs!!!
> >
> >
> > Obviously, what I just wrote is nonsense, and should never happen.
> > Because FLOSS *is* about choice.
> >
> > However... it is perfectly reasonable for a distro to say, "We can
> > not be all things to all people, so some limits have to be set, and
> > some users/DDs will be disappointed."
> Sure.
> The fact is, I don't think we have bugs because we have too much choice, but 
> because we don't have enough manpower.
> So, previous mail was pointing a real issue, "lack of manpower and (hence) 
> too 
> many bugs", but giving a false anwser, "less/limited choice".
> Basically, a package has bugs because the maintainer or upstream is not 
> reponsive/available/..., not because there are too much *choice*.

Um. No. We have lots of people. We also have lots of software. If we lose
some of the redundant software and keep the same number of people then we
have more people to work on the software that requires attention. It's
pretty simple. 

Unfortunately, people in Debian often are more interested in reinventing
the wheel than improving what's already there or *gasp* trying to innovate
and do something new and different. Yes, there are valid reasons for
providing options, but doing so makes it more difficult to do the important
things that actually need to be done to produce a high quality

This is, not coincidentally, one of the many reasons why so many people
flock to Ubuntu rather than Debian.

 - David Nusinow

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