On 28/01/2008, Andreas Tille wrote:
> ... which describes the _content_ of the tarball, but not the _name_
> (or extension) of the tarball.  So there is no clarification whether
> to use 'dfsg', 'debian', 'ds' or something else in the tarball name to
> my knowlwedge.

How are “dfsg”, “debian”, or “ds” extensions? It's in the very middle of
the tarball name, and the extension would rather be “((orig.)tar.)gz”
(there's the revision in the way, also).

It'd be clearer to talk about the string to include in version numbers,
and I agree that having a common pattern in the policy or the devref
would make sense. There are several combinations of the above, mixed
together with the use of ‘+’, ‘~’ and ‘.’, and getting a standard for
that couldn't hurt.

Cc'ing -policy.


Cyril Brulebois

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