Charles Plessy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> To make the dialign-t package, I removed the documentation from the
> upstream tarball, that I use for a dialign-t-doc package, in the
> non-free section as the their LaTeX sources are not provided.
> Now, I was informed that the reason is that the sources have been lost.
> In that case, don't the .html, .pdf and .ps files become the "preferred
> form for modification"?

My opinion is yes, as explained in the copyright file for openafs-doc, and
ftp-master apparently agreed sufficiently to let the package into the
archive.  (Although they weren't released under the GPL -- the specific
license may make a difference, and I haven't checked what license
dialign-t is under.)

Russ Allbery ([EMAIL PROTECTED])               <>

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