Andreas Tille wrote:

> I'm aware that the watch file of is wrong because it reports
> version 0.74 as newer than 0.8.2 (upstream should have choosen 0.7.4 instead
> of 0.74).  Any hint how to fix this watch file line
> to do the right thing?

I'd guess the only way is to explicitly exclude 0.7*?\.[^7]|[^0]).*)\.tar\.gz

(not tested; I hope DEHS is smart enough for this to be parsed properly)

Or else politely request upstream to rename their tarballs retroactively
:-)  Looks like they haven't been very consistent; the versions prior to
0.7 omit the '-' from the filename.

You're also going to have problems with 0.NNrc comparing greater than
0.NN next time they have a release candidate ...  If you don't intend to
package the rc versions, you could for instance require the version
string to contain only digits and decimal points:\.[^7]|[^0])[0-9.]*)\.tar\.gz

best regards,

Kevin B. McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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