On 17/01/08 at 23:48 +0100, David Bremner wrote:
> >>>>> "Sebastian" == Sebastian Pipping <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Sebastian>> David Bremner wrote: 
>     >> I would really like some (approximate) popcon data myself,
>     >> especially for orphaned packages.
>     Sebastian> would be cool, yes. i don't have any clue to do this
>     Sebastian> yet. if you do please share your thoughts with me to
>     Sebastian> speed the thing up. deal? :-)
> As far as I understand it (and maybe somebody more informed can
> correct me), there is currently no fancy interface (SOAP) to the data
> on popcon.debian.org  On the other hand, it does not change that
> quickly, so grabbing a copy once a week should be reasonable.
> http://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=whatever 
> obviously has access to the data, so maybe someone on the qa team can 
> comment.

You could simply download it from http://popcon.debian.org/ and parse
| Lucas Nussbaum
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