> * Russ Allbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-01-12 09:11]:
> > Rafael Laboissiere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > The name of the S-Lang library is sometimes wrongly spelled as "slang". It
> > > would be good to have this fixed but if you add a rule slang -> S-Lang in
> > > Lintian you will hit some false positives (like in packages ascii and
> > > jargon) because "slang" is an English word.
> > 
> > Yeah, unfortunately I don't think lintian will be able to catch that one.
> Can't you add exceptions for some packages in the Lintian check?  The only
> packages in sid that use "slang" as an English word are ascii, jargon, and
> jargon-text.  Other packages that use "slang" or "SLang" mean actually the
> "S-Lang" library.

I gues SLang could safely be added, but adding some packages as exceptions would
mean changes to lintian every time a new packages (correctly) uses slang, which
would even mean that this should be done before some new package foo gets added
to the archive, otherwise people can't even upload lintian-clean packages...

If an slang check is introduced in lintian I'd rather opt for people overriding
this in their packages (following your reasoning that this concerns only very
few packages).


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