well, waiting more than five weeks for an answer to a question
that at least I would regard as urgent seems to show enough
patience. The only conclulsion I could draw is that menu is
not really maintained any more. I'm particularly interested
in this question because if this is the case I see no need
to continue supporting menu in cdd-dev / cdd-common tools.
Instead we would switch to freedesktop.org exclusively which
would be a shame because we would lose several window managers
that do not support this format - but it makes no sense to
support stuff which is not documented and requests for
documentation remain unanswered.
Bill, I just noticed that I forgot to CC you in my previous
mail which might lead to the fact that you missed my question
because you are not reading debian-devel. While this is
my fault I would suggest you should watch possible responses
of your announcements in the archive.
Kind regards
On Sat, 20 Oct 2007, Andreas Tille wrote:
On Tue, 9 Oct 2007, Bill Allombert wrote:
Others changes:
-- Menu support a new format called "menu-2" since 8 years.
Uhmmm, this is one of the strangest sentences I read on this list this
year. At which time scale you would regard eight years old as new (at
least in the world of computers)? I would rather pronounce:
The menu format that is currently used by nearly every package
was obsolated by the menu-2 format two years ago because the
information about was so perfectly hidden that nobody really
I base my assumption that nobody really noticed on the fact that
grep "menu-2" /usr/share/menu/*
revealed no result on my machine.
In this
format lines break are not significant, but logical lines end by a
This is an example:
!C menu-2
I do not have strong opinion about this format, but feel free to use it.
Well, the strongest prove that you are not alone is that neither
debian-policy mentions it (see #447389), nor dh-make creates menu-2
templates (see #447390) nor lintian suggests this format (see #447391).
But how should we interpret the sentence below:
Since even potato support menu-2, there are no upgrade or backport
issue, however this might break the lintian code to parse menu file.
menu-2 is also available for menu-methods, through the definition
compat="menu-2". I highly recommend its use for menu-methods.
So you highly recommend something you have no feelings about?
What is the sense of inventing a format and not providing any
information about it. Even grepping through /usr/share/doc/menu/html
revealed only some notes amout menu-2 but no code example locked
like above. The manual claims to describe menu format menu-2
but considering that the code uses backspace '\' which should be
necessary according to the information above and given that the
line "!C menu-2" is mandatory as well as the final semicolon
in contrast to the statement of /usr/share/doc/menu/html/ch1.html
that this document describes the menu-2.0 format this is just
not the case (and I should probably a file against the menu
package about this).
So how could you expect developers to adopt a new format if there
is no information about it?
Imagine a large red swirl here.
I have to admit that my brain turned in a multi colored huge
swirl when I finaly was pointed to this information which was
hidden in the very end of a long mail that was posted to
debian-devel-announce (but got archived on debian-devel strangely
After settling down with this I wonder whether you could easily
turn a menu-1 format file into a menu-2 format file by just
wrapping it i between
!C menu-2
<contents of old file>
or is there some other magic?
Kind regards
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