On Friday 07 September 2007 08:10:47 Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 07, 2007 at 12:11:24AM +0200, Edward Welbourne wrote:
> > Lionel Mamane:
> This was written under the assumption that you statically-linked to
> LGPL libraries, not only Qt. As you now inform me this is not the
> case, my statement has no base anymore.

Can we still hope that there are requests from the Opera developers that a 
certain set of LGPL libraries are out there that should be distributed with 
Debian (which they are currently not or in a "wrong" version or missing 
patches) that would help to further reduce the footprint of the 
non-inspectable closed-source bits of the Opera Debian package? Or are there 
free tools you are developing with that should be part of Debian?

If so, then it would seem approrpiate to learn about these as "requests for 
packaging" (RFPs) to the Debian bug tracking system.  If Operaners felt like 
developing Debian packages for those missing pieces themselves, then an
"Interest to Pack" (ITP) report should be submitted. The "reportbug" tool in 
Debian knows this all, just say "reportbug wnpp". New missing Debian packages 
for Opera would also seem like a brilliant opportunity for paid (!) Opera 
developers to also develop into Debian developers (http://nm.debian.org).



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