* Lucas Nussbaum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-06-22 00:17]:
> During my talk today at debconf, I discussed the idea of sending mails
> to maintainers of packages with serious problems. The audience
> welcomed the idea, so I will send the first mails soon.

That sounds good to me!

> You will receive a mail:
> * if one of your packages has RC bugs older than 30 days in unstable
> I plan to send such mails on a monthly basis. Depending on how well it
> is received, the criterias will be enlarged to include more packages,
> while staying reasonable.
> You will only receive one mail (per e-mail address), listing the
> problems in all your packages, not one mail per package. If all your
> packages are OK (according to the criterias above), you won't receive
> anything.

I propose to change this a bit for RC bugs. Assume you get a 
mail on 2nd of a month and get an RC bug on the 3rd day.
Then you get the mail for the RC bug nearly after 2 months 
since it is not 30 days old on the 2nd of next month.

But the service seems to be a great service for maintainers 
in my opinion.
Nico Golde - http://ngolde.de - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - GPG: 0x73647CFF
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