Daniel Burrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Sun, Jun 17, 2007 at 01:01:27PM +0200, Vince H&K <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was 
> heard to say:
>> Daniel Burrows wrote:
>>>   If I don't hear about any show-stoppers in the next week or so, I'll
>>> upload the new version of aptitude to unstable.  Positive reports of it
>>> working would also be good, so I know that someone out there really is
>>> testing. :-)
>>   I really wish I would test, but it seems the recent aptitude FTBS on
>> all arches... There is a simple sprintf problem with -Werror, which is
>> easily fixed, but unfortunately, there are other problems afterwards in
>> the compilation that I seem unable to fix. I'll be filing a bug over the
>> next minutes.
>   It doesn't FTBFS on i386 :-/.  I'll check the bug and see if I can
> work out what's going wrong for you.

I didn't have the time to file a bug report, but here are two build logs
that might help you:

BOFH #53:
Little hamster in running wheel had coronary; waiting for replacement
to be Fedexed from Wyoming

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