Qua, 2007-06-13 às 16:18 -0700, Russ Allbery escreveu:
> For non-free, this is inevitable without significant changes to the
> way
> that Debian works that I don't believe will happen.  Debian has
> provided a
> different solution in the form of module-assistant that in my
> experience
> works great.  I recommend that you learn how to use it rather than
> tilting
> at windmills. 

this is not a discussion on how to support non-free drivers ... 
module-assistant is not an answer to the modules-contrib and
modules-extra (at least). (i have used module-assistant and i think is a
great tool)

the problem here (that happened to me with other packages) is that some
packages with reverse dependencies passed into testing making other
packages uninstalable. kernel and modules is just one problem.
my point here is that i think the current structure is ok, but ... the
passage to testing has to be done with more care (care it already has).

i am not whining about the use of nvidia non-free drivers ... i am
whining about have a good CUT and *THAT* requires the paragraph

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