[EMAIL PROTECTED] dijo [Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 11:19:25PM -0400]:
> To: All
>    Wow!!!  I have tried to install debian 4 or 5 times and hungup on vidio 
> drivers or mem address for the drivers.
>   I downloaded the 33 meg. i386 boot iso on 6/4/07 daily build #2 It
>   whent from boot to a desktop system in 35-40 minutes with only
>   input at the prompts.  If you need any other info from me, email
>   me at: 
>          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  I will be away from my computer for about 12 days but I will be checking 
> email.


This list is targetted at the development of Debian, not at user
support. You will find better answers if you try

Also, I suggest you try contacting them when you are actually able to
implement the possible answers you get - Usually, user help is not
limited to a recipe, but can be a process that requires several mail


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