Hi !

Le Saturday 26 May 2007 13:03:09 Moritz Muehlenhoff, vous avez écrit :
> This was already in the archive and has been removed mostly for
> it's poor security track record. Re-introducing it is a very
> bad idea.

I've been trought the previous spip bugs, and it seems that missing security 
support was mostly because of MIA maintainer that anything else.

As for what I've seen from SPIP devel activities, they seem very active and 
responsive, and they provide a track system for bug report and etc..

However, I'll contact them and ask for their commitment to solving seciruty 
issues, but I'm quite sure that the main issue remains in the hand of the 
maintainer, to be able to update the package as soon as they fix anything..

The lips of the righteous feed many:
but fools die for want of wisdom.
- Proverbs 10:21
The lips of the righteous teaches many
But fools die for want of wisdom
- Peter Tosh, Fools Die

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