On Wednesday 09 May 2007 23:48, Roger Leigh wrote:
> {
>     "$LIBEXEC_DIR/schroot-listmounts" -m "$1" |
>     while read mountloc; do
>       if [ "$AUTH_VERBOSITY" = "verbose" ]; then
>           echo "Unmounting $mountloc"
>       fi
>       umount "$mountloc" || exit 1
>     done || exit 1
> }
> The problem here is that if schroot-listmounts segfaults (the trigger
> in this case) or returns an error, the script continues without any
> indication of the fact, despite "set -e" being in effect.  In this bug
> this results in a failure to umount a set of mounted filesystems, and
> then an "rm -rf" taking out all the data further down the line.

Which means you need to get rid of the pipe.
        mounts="$("$LIBEXEC_DIR/schroot-listmounts" -m "$1")"
        echo "$mounts" | while read mountloc; do

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