Hi, I'm currently preparing an NMU for a package which, besides an RC bug, also has a bug in its last version number. The upstream version is 4.22, but after 4.22-2 the maintainer uploaded 4.22.3.
What do you suggest to get back to a sane version number until there is a new upstream version 4.23 or higher? Is there a special letter like ~, but not "lower than anything", but "higher than anything? That would be great, it would just be appended to the 4.22. Otherwise, should I use 4.23~real.4.22-3.1 or similar beasts? Or just go for 4.22.3-0.1 and leave the decision to the maintainer? Regards, Frank -- Dr. Frank Küster Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)