On 3/12/07, Daniel Baumann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Andrew Donnellan wrote:
> Isn't wnpp one of those pseudo-packages where anyone can close anything?

well, technically, anyone can close anywhere any bug with a -done or
control mail..

To quote the BTS documentation:

Normally, the only people that are allowed to close a bug report are
the submitter of the bug and the maintainer(s) of the package against
which the bug is filed. There are exceptions to this rule, for
example, the bugs filed against unknown packages or certain generic
pseudo-packages. When in doubt, don't close bugs, first ask for advice
on the debian-devel mailing list.

Does 'allowed' just mean 'it's impolite to close other peoples' bugs'
or 'the BTS will stop you'?

Andrew Donnellan
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