On Sat, 03 Mar 2007 09:33:30 +0100, Nico Golde wrote: > you always have the problem that you > might miss new configuration flags or you have to adapt the > new file manually from your old backup and "merge" the > changes.
Ack, that's annoying IMO. > What about the possibility to view the patch, edit it with > your favorite editor and the just apply the patch? > This way you don't have to do all the manual stuff after > installing the packages and you don't miss new configuration > flags. Sounds great. > Are there already people who started to do something > similar? Do you think this is useful? IMO this feature would be very useful. gregor -- .''`. http://info.comodo.priv.at/ | gpg key ID: 0x00F3CFE4 : :' : debian: the universal operating system - http://www.debian.org/ `. `' member of https://www.vibe.at/ | how to reply: http://got.to/quote/ `- NP: Dire Straits: Brothers In Arms
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