I am sorry: it is me again with probably the final question: stracing revealed
the difference which I can't resolve myself due to lack of knowledge in socket
programming and IPv6

for port 6012 ssh fails to allocate DISPLAY since it is taken (so it is

| 31886 socket(PF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP) = 8
| 31886 connect(8, {sa_family=AF_INET6, sin6_port=htons(6012), 
inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1", &sin6_addr), sin6_flowinfo=0, sin6_scope_id=0}, 28) 
= 0
| 31886 getsockname(8, {sa_family=AF_INET6, sin6_port=htons(58464), 
inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1", &sin6_addr), sin6_flowinfo=0, sin6_scope_id=0}, 
[28]) = 0
| 31886 close(8)                          = 0
| 31886 socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP) = 8
| 31886 connect(8, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(6012), 
sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 0
| 31886 getsockname(8, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(58464), 
sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 0
| 31886 close(8)                          = 0
| 31886 socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP) = 8
| 31886 setsockopt(8, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, [1], 4) = 0
| 31886 bind(8, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(6012), 
sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EADDRINUSE (Address already in use)
| 31886 write(2, "debug2: bind port 6012: Address "..., 48) = 48
| 31886 close(8)                          = 0

whenever for 6013 it succeeds using IPv6 (although I believe I never set
it up on that box)

| 31886 socket(PF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP) = 8
| 31886 connect(8, {sa_family=AF_INET6, sin6_port=htons(6013), 
inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1", &sin6_addr), sin6_flowinfo=0, sin6_scope_id=0}, 28) 
= 0
| 31886 getsockname(8, {sa_family=AF_INET6, sin6_port=htons(58464), 
inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1", &sin6_addr), sin6_flowinfo=0, sin6_scope_id=0}, 
[28]) = 0
| 31886 close(8)                          = 0
| 31886 socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP) = 8
| 31886 connect(8, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(6013), 
sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 0
| 31886 getsockname(8, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(58464), 
sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 0
| 31886 close(8)                          = 0
| 31886 socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP) = 8
| 31886 setsockopt(8, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, [1], 4) = 0
| 31886 bind(8, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(6013), 
sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = -1 EADDRINUSE (Address already in use)
| 31886 write(2, "debug2: bind port 6013: Address "..., 48) = 48
| 31886 close(8)                          = 0
| 31886 socket(PF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP) = 8
| 31886 setsockopt(8, SOL_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, [1], 4) = 0
| 31886 setsockopt(8, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, [1], 4) = 0
| 31886 bind(8, {sa_family=AF_INET6, sin6_port=htons(6013), inet_pton(AF_INET6, 
"::1", &sin6_addr), sin6_flowinfo=0, sin6_scope_id=0}, 28) = 0
| 31886 listen(8, 128)                    = 0
| 31886 ioctl(8, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or TCGETS, 0x7ffffff10a50) = -1 EINVAL 
(Invalid argument)
| 31886 ioctl(8, SNDCTL_TMR_TIMEBASE or TCGETS, 0x7ffffff10a50) = -1 EINVAL 
(Invalid argument)
| 31886 fcntl(8, F_GETFL)                 = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR)
| 31886 write(2, "debug2: fd 8 setting O_NONBLOCK\r"..., 33) = 33
| 31886 fcntl(8, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK) = 0
| 31886 fcntl(8, F_GETFL)                 = 0x802 (flags O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)
| 31886 write(2, "debug3: fd 8 is O_NONBLOCK\r\n", 28) = 28
| 31886 write(2, "debug1: channel 1: new [X11 inet"..., 44) = 44
| 31886 uname({sys="Linux", node="ravana", ...}) = 0
| 31886 write(2, "debug1: server_input_channel_req"..., 88) = 88
| 31886 write(2, "debug1: session_by_channel: sess"..., 49) = 49
| 31886 write(2, "debug1: session_input_channel_re"..., 77) = 77
| .......

Corresponding piece of code from sshd:

|         for (display_number = x11_display_offset;
|             display_number < MAX_DISPLAYS;
|             display_number++) {
|                 port = 6000 + display_number;
|                 memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
|                 hints.ai_family = IPv4or6;
|                 hints.ai_flags = x11_use_localhost ? 0: AI_PASSIVE;
|                 hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
|                 snprintf(strport, sizeof strport, "%d", port);
|                 if ((gaierr = getaddrinfo(NULL, strport, &hints, &aitop)) != 
0) {
|                         error("getaddrinfo: %.100s", gai_strerror(gaierr));
|                         return -1;
|                 }
|                 for (ai = aitop; ai; ai = ai->ai_next) {
|                         if (ai->ai_family != AF_INET && ai->ai_family != 
|                                 continue;
|                         sock = socket(ai->ai_family, ai->ai_socktype,
|                             ai->ai_protocol);
|                         if (sock < 0) {
|                                 if ((errno != EINVAL) && (errno != 
|                                     && (errno != EPFNOSUPPORT)
| #endif
|                                     ) {
|                                         error("socket: %.100s", 
|                                         freeaddrinfo(aitop);
|                                         return -1;
|                                 } else {
|                                         debug("x11_create_display_inet: 
Socket family %d not supported",
|                                                  ai->ai_family);
|                                         continue;
|                                 }
|                         }
| #ifdef IPV6_V6ONLY
|                         if (ai->ai_family == AF_INET6) {
|                                 int on = 1;
|                                 if (setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IPV6, 
IPV6_V6ONLY, &on, sizeof(on)) < 0)
|                                         error("setsockopt IPV6_V6ONLY: 
%.100s", strerror(errno));
|                         }
| #endif
|                         channel_set_reuseaddr(sock);
|                         if (bind(sock, ai->ai_addr, ai->ai_addrlen) < 0) {
|                                 debug2("bind port %d: %.100s", port, 
|                                 close(sock);
|                                 if (ai->ai_next)
|                                         continue;
|                                 for (n = 0; n < num_socks; n++) {
|                                         close(socks[n]);
|                                 }
|                                 num_socks = 0;
|                                 break;
|                         }
|                         socks[num_socks++] = sock;
|                         if (num_socks == NUM_SOCKS)
|                                 break;
| #else
|                         if (x11_use_localhost) {
|                                 if (num_socks == NUM_SOCKS)
|                                         break;
|                         } else {
|                                 break;
|                         }
| #endif
|                 }
|                 freeaddrinfo(aitop);
|                 if (num_socks > 0)
|                         break;
|         }

Complete logging is under the same url
in .2 files

On Thu, 01 Mar 2007, Yaroslav Halchenko wrote:

> Here you can see how it looks from client and server sides running in
> verbose/debug modes. May be it would give a hint to a knowledgeable
> person

> http://www.onerussian.com/Linux/bugs/ssh.display/
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