On Wed, Jan 03, 2007 at 09:31:26PM +0200, Debian Oracle wrote:
> I hope that this explains everything, Kev. You owe the Oracle an e-mail
> quotation trimming device.
Greetings O great Oracle, I did manage to extract most of the meaning
out of the consise phrases electronically transmitted by the mystic
vorlon into the great internet tubes.  I just have expectations that if
there is going to be progress in the recognition of the multitude of
human natures by which people define themselves, that the 'Free'
software world would be at the forefront of that effort. ISO is a
'standard'. Google shows a few threads about the inadequet nature of
this standard. I just sent an email about a DICOM document that includes
more options. If its 'just' a field for our use, why does it need to use
a 'standard' that excludes. If there needs to be some interchange of
data in the future, we can certainly deal with this.
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